Friday, September 11, 2009

8 Months

Halle is now 8 months almost 9 and i really cannot believe it!!! I must say it is really bitter sweet because i am loving all of the new things but am really missing some of her baby things! But she is ONE FUN LITTLE GIRL though! She cracks us up all of the time....she is our little jokester :) This month though has been a little hard, because Halle and i both got thrush...and that is not fun at all so after the second go around of it I decided to supplement with Formula to give me time to heal...and halle is a little trouper...she took it great and i did not realize how much that girl can eat!!! we go threw a can of formula about ever 3 days 4 if we are lucky! But thrush is not the only fun thing that we had to go threw...helle one day started getting all the these rashes and i was not sure what from i didn't know if it was from the formula or what....we later found out that she was getter Heat rashes....then lets not forget about the ear aches....Michael said i guess if it is going to rain it miswell pore and that it did... really hate not knowing what is wrong when halle is acting up and am really glad that the things were not that major! But other then those 3 things halle has been feeling great :)
Halle Faves:
*Water bottles
*Biter Biscuts
*Bunny (of Course)
*Wanting you to help her walk
*Daddy ( Halle has just became a big time daddys girl when she is wanting to play...Michael it loving ever minute of it...i love waching them two...Michael is so cute with her :)
Halle is now Standing up on everthing...and Crawling. She started with the army crawl then like a week later she went to crawling...and now she is starting to bear crawl (it is so cute on leg will do the normal crawl and the other will to the bear crawl) halle is also busting out the tri-pod stance she will stratin out her legs in the crawling posision...Oh and her little head dance she is bustin out the night of the rocks beary head shake she does it all the time and she know it makes us laugh so she just keeps doing it :)....she is so funny!!!
we are enjoying halle so so much and she is such a sweet little girl!!! We love Halle and we are very blessed to have you in our life!!!
ps i will add the videos of the crawling :)


Kim said...

Sorry about the thrush, it sucks, I know. Luckily Miss K and I were able to tough it out. Halle is getting so big! I love the hair-do's Kenley has so much I can make like 20 pony tails. Oh and I'm still wonder woman, feeding 2 babies :)

Kim said...

Oh what kind of formula do you use? I have some cans I got in the hospital and I get formula checks from all the manufactures. I'll pass them on to you if you want.

nina said...

I hate it when your kids are sick and you don't know what it is or what to do for them. Hailey has a rash right now that we are trying to figure out.

Jake and Gretchen said...

She is such a cute little girl. Its so hard when they get sick and you don't know what is going on. Owen had major problems with ear infections. Hope things are turning around for you guys!

Brook said...

Oh I love Halle!:) It was fun being able to watch her for a little bit the other day! My kids were so excited to have her over:) You are such a good mom! Halle is lucky to have you! I hope all of her sickness will be done. Give her loves and squishes for me:) I hope I see you soon! Love ya sista!

Michelle Thompson said...

She is getting so big and what a little doll she is. I beat she is so much fun. She is so much a combination of you both.

Bethany said...

Holy Smokes Maddy!! She is so big & beautiful!!

Becca said...

Halle is getting so big I can't believe it. She is such a cutie!!!