Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So as everyone knows halle had to get tubs put in her ears on Monday. And she did great!!! The only hard thing was at the very beginning...they gave halle vitamin "v" which helps her to be calm when they take her to surgery....it was not so fun...she was so out of it and it broke mine and Micheal's heart to see her like that. So after she left i broke down....i did not like not being by her side. Luckily the surgery only took like 30 min. and then we could go see our little girl! she was not the happiest coming out of anaseshya (cant spell) but we made it threw! I am so glad we put tubs in she has not tugged at her ears and she is a lot happier girl ( I must say though she has always been a happy baby...the doc. said she must be a strong cookie because she is not showing any singes of pain except for the tugging on the ear) Also i wanted to thank everyone for the advice...it made me feel better to see that other people got tubs for there kids also....being a mom is a hard job you ... i never want halle to feel any pain or to ever be scared...now i understand how my mom always said she wished she could take some of our burdens off of us! Well i hope that it is the end of our surgeries for halle and the rest of our kids....thanks again everyone


Kathy said...

I still cry sometimes when I remember certain things that my kids had to experience. Jeffrey somehow ended up with a needle embedded in his knee when he was about 10-years-old, but he didn't tell me about it for three weeks, and by then it had infected the bone and Dr. John Welch had to do surgery on him in the ER, and I can STILL remember his scream. As soon as we got to the car - I threw up. I always remember how very sweet and kind my Mother was whenever I was sick, and I hope that my kids remember that about me too. I know how much you suffer when your beautiful baby is hurt or needing something at the doctor's office. You're such a great little Mommy.

Megan said...

I'm so glad that everything went GREAT! Heavenly Father must of heard all our prayers! I'm glad your little angel will be even happier for you now... if that is even possible!

Bethany said...

Oh Good, I'm so glad she's ok & doing good. Hopefully everything will be better for her now!

Michelle Thompson said...

Glad things went well. It is hard to see our kids suffer, but we all have to go through it. Now she will feel much better!

Scotty&Chelsey said...

Glad everything went well!!! Hope it stays that way! :)

Becca said...

I am so glad everything went good!! I would have given advice but I've never been through anything like that. So i'll be coming to you if that happens to me.

Linda said...

Wow I've heard of people getting tubes in there ears but not TUBS! ;)
Does that come with a bubble bath?
Just had to razz you Madison